Study Schedule
Phase 1 - Complete!

November - December
Form Core Technical Team (CTT) and Stakeholder Team
CTT Meeting 1
Collect Transit and Demographic Data

January - February
Analyze Data
Prepare for Public Engagement
CTT Meeting 2
Workshop with Elected Officials

March - April
Public and Stakeholder Engagement
Workshops with Focus Groups

May - June
Presentations to CAMPO Technical Coordinating Committee and Executive Board
- Transit Demand Analysis Report
- CTT Meeting 3 and Elected Officials Meeting
Phase 2 - In progress

July - September
Establish Transit Service Area Based on Demand
Explore Transit Service Options
CTT Meeting 4
Combined Focus Group Meeting

October - December
Refine Transit Service Recommendations
CTT Meeting 4 and 5
Meeting with Elected Officials
Prepare for Public Engagement Round 2

January - March
Solicit Public Comments on Draft Recommendations
Presentations to CAMPO Technical Coordinating Committee and Executive Board
Combined meeting with CTT, Elected Officials and Focus Groups
Refine recommendations and prepare draft implementation plan

April - June
Finalize Recommendations and Implementation Plan
Final presentation to CAMPO Technical Coordinating Committee and Executive Board
Prepare final plan for adoption
The North Harnett Transit Study will engage the community to learn if they want transit, look at different transit options, create a service area, and recommend a transit service option. Then, the Study will finalize their recommendations and create an implementation plan for CAMPO and Harnett County to adopt. After the study, Harnett County officials will need to determine the funding and will coordinate with HARTS to implement the service, possibly contracting with an outside transit provider. Then residents and workers in the service area will be able to use transit!